Distributed computation

We present here how to perform computation on multiple devices.

Consider a scenario where you have access to four GPUs and aim to distribute the workload effectively among them. To achieve this, we employ the JAX pmap function, which allows seamless distribution of functions across multiple accelerators.

from chromax import Simulator
from chromax.sample_data import genome, genetic_map
import jax

simulator = Simulator(genetic_map=genetic_map)
# load 200 individuals
population = simulator.load_population(genome)[:200]
# divide them in 4 groups
population = population.reshape(4, -1, *population.shape[1:])

# prepare a parallelized function over groups
pmap_dh = jax.pmap(
    in_axes=(0, None),
# perform distributed computation
dh_pop = pmap_dh(population, 10)
# reshape to an ungrouped population
dh_pop = dh_pop.reshape(-1, *dh_pop.shape[2:])

If you want to perform random crosses or full diallel, grouping the population will change the semantics (the random crosses or the full diallel will be performed by group independently). In this case, you should use the function cross after generating the proper array of parents. For example, to perform random crosses:

from chromax import Simulator
from chromax.sample_data import genome, genetic_map
import numpy as np
import jax
simulator = Simulator(genetic_map=genetic_map)
population = simulator.load_population(genome)

random_indices = np.random.random_integers(0, len(population) - 1, size=(200, 2))
parents = population[random_indices]
parents = parents.reshape(4, -1, *parents.shape[1:])
pmap_cross = jax.pmap(simulator.cross,)
new_pop = pmap_cross(parents)
new_pop = new_pop.reshape(-1, *new_pop.shape[2:])