Source code for chromax.functional

"""Functional module."""
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Tuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jaxtyping import Array, Float, Int

from .typing import N_MARKERS, Haploid, Individual, Parents, Population

[docs] @jax.jit def cross( parents: Parents["n"], recombination_vec: Float[Array, N_MARKERS], random_key: jax.Array, mutation_probability: float = 0.0, ) -> Population["n"]: """Main function that computes crosses from a list of parents. :param parents: parents to compute the cross. The shape of the parents is (n, 2, m, d), where n is the number of parents, m is the number of markers, and d is the ploidy. :type parents: ndarray :param recombination_vec: array of m probabilities. The i-th value represent the probability to recombine before the marker i. :type recombination_vec: :param random_key: JAX random key, for reproducibility purpose. :type random_key: jax.Array :param mutation_probability: The probability of having a mutation in a marker. :type mutation_probability: float :return: offspring population of shape (n, m, d). :rtype: ndarray :Example: >>> from chromax import functional >>> import numpy as np >>> import jax >>> n_chr, chr_len, ploidy = 10, 100, 2 >>> n_crosses = 50 >>> parents_shape = (n_crosses, 2, n_chr * chr_len, ploidy) >>> parents = np.random.choice([False, True], size=parents_shape) >>> rec_vec = np.full((n_chr, chr_len), 1.5 / chr_len) >>> rec_vec[:, 0] = 0.5 # equal probability on starting haploid >>> rec_vec = rec_vec.flatten() >>> random_key = jax.random.key(42) >>> f2 = functional.cross(parents, rec_vec, random_key) >>> f2.shape (50, 1000, 2) """ parents = parents.reshape(*parents.shape[:3], -1, 2) random_keys = jax.random.split( random_key, num=2 * len(parents) * 2 * parents.shape[3] ) random_keys = random_keys.reshape(2, len(parents), 2, parents.shape[3]) cross_random_key, mutate_random_key = random_keys offsprings = _cross( parents, recombination_vec, cross_random_key, mutate_random_key, mutation_probability, ) return offsprings.reshape(*offsprings.shape[:-2], -1)
@jax.jit @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, None, 0, 0, None)) # parallelize across individuals @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, None, 0, 0, None), out_axes=2) # parallelize parents def _cross( parent: Individual, recombination_vec: Float[Array, N_MARKERS], cross_random_key: jax.Array, mutate_random_key: jax.Array, mutation_probability: float, ) -> Haploid: return _meiosis( parent, recombination_vec, cross_random_key, mutate_random_key, mutation_probability, )
[docs] def double_haploid( population: Population["n"], n_offspring: int, recombination_vec: Float[Array, N_MARKERS], random_key: jax.Array, mutation_probability: float = 0.0, ) -> Population["n n_offspring"]: """Computes the double haploid of the input population. :param population: input population of shape (n, m, d). :type population: ndarray :param n_offspring: number of offspring per plant. :type n_offspring: int :param recombination_vec: array of m probabilities. The i-th value represent the probability to recombine before the marker i. :type recombination_vec: ndarray :param random_key: JAX random key, for reproducibility purpose. :type random_key: jax.Array :param mutation_probability: The probability of having a mutation in a marker. :type mutation_probability: float :return: output population of shape (n, n_offspring, m, d). This population will be homozygote. :rtype: ndarray :Example: >>> from chromax import functional >>> import numpy as np >>> import jax >>> n_chr, chr_len, ploidy = 10, 100, 2 >>> pop_shape = (50, n_chr * chr_len, ploidy) >>> f1 = np.random.choice([False, True], size=pop_shape) >>> rec_vec = np.full((n_chr, chr_len), 1.5 / chr_len) >>> rec_vec[:, 0] = 0.5 # equal probability on starting haploid >>> rec_vec = rec_vec.flatten() >>> random_key = jax.random.key(42) >>> dh = functional.double_haploid(f1, 10, rec_vec, random_key) >>> dh.shape (50, 10, 1000, 2) """ population = population.reshape(*population.shape[:2], -1, 2) keys = jax.random.split( random_key, num=2 * len(population) * n_offspring * population.shape[2] ).reshape(2, len(population), n_offspring, population.shape[2]) cross_random_key, mutate_random_key = keys haploids = _double_haploid( population, recombination_vec, cross_random_key, mutate_random_key, mutation_probability, ) dh_pop = jnp.broadcast_to(haploids[..., None], shape=(*haploids.shape, 2)) return dh_pop.reshape(*dh_pop.shape[:-2], -1)
@jax.jit @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, None, 0, 0, None)) # parallelize across individuals @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(None, None, 0, 0, None)) # parallelize across offsprings def _double_haploid( individual: Individual, recombination_vec: Float[Array, N_MARKERS], cross_random_key: jax.Array, mutate_random_key: jax.Array, mutation_probability: float, ) -> Haploid: return _meiosis( individual, recombination_vec, cross_random_key, mutate_random_key, mutation_probability, ) @jax.jit @partial( jax.vmap, in_axes=(1, None, 0, 0, None), out_axes=1 ) # parallelize pair of chromosomes def _meiosis( individual: Individual, recombination_vec: Float[Array, N_MARKERS], cross_random_key: jax.Array, mutate_random_key: jax.Array, mutation_probability: float, ) -> Haploid: samples = jax.random.uniform(cross_random_key, shape=recombination_vec.shape) rec_sites = samples < recombination_vec crossover_mask = jax.lax.associative_scan(jnp.logical_xor, rec_sites) crossover_mask = crossover_mask.astype(jnp.int8) haploid = jnp.take_along_axis(individual, crossover_mask[:, None], axis=-1) mutation_samples = jax.random.uniform(mutate_random_key, shape=haploid.shape) mutation_sites = mutation_samples < mutation_probability haploid = jnp.where(mutation_sites, 1 - haploid, haploid) return haploid.squeeze()
[docs] def select( population: Population["n"], k: int, f_index: Callable[[Population["n"]], Float[Array, "n"]], ) -> Tuple[Population["k"], Int[Array, "k"]]: """Function to select individuals based on their score (index). :param population: input grouped population of shape (n, m, d) :type population: ndarray :param k: number of individual to select. :type k: int :param f_index: function that computes a score for each individual. The function accepts as input a population, i.e. and array of shape (n, m, 2) and returns an array of n float number. :type f_index: Callable :return: output population of shape (k, m, d), output indices of shape (k,) :rtype: tuple of two ndarrays :Example: >>> from chromax import functional >>> from chromax.trait_model import TraitModel >>> from chromax.index_functions import conventional_index >>> import numpy as np >>> n_chr, chr_len, ploidy = 10, 100, 2 >>> pop_shape = (50, n_chr * chr_len, ploidy) >>> f1 = np.random.choice([False, True], size=pop_shape) >>> marker_effects = np.random.randn(n_chr * chr_len) >>> gebv_model = TraitModel(marker_effects[:, None]) >>> f_index = conventional_index(gebv_model) >>> f2, selected_indices =, k=10, f_index=f_index) >>> f2.shape (10, 1000, 2) """ indices = f_index(population) _, best_pop = jax.lax.top_k(indices, k) return population[best_pop, :, :], best_pop