Source code for chromax.index_functions

"""Utility module with common index functions."""
from math import ceil
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
from jaxtyping import Array, Float

from chromax.trait_model import TraitModel
from chromax.typing import Population

[docs] def phenotype_index(simulator, environments: np.ndarray) -> Callable: """Function to select based on phenotyping with some environments. :param simulator: chromax simulator instance to use for phenotyping simulation. :type simulator: chromax.Simulator :param environments: environments created using `create_environments` method from the simulator. :return: the phenotyping index function to use for selection. :rtype: Callable[[Population["n"]], Float[Array, "n"]] """ def phenotype_index_f(population: Population["n"]) -> Float[Array, "n"]: phenotype = simulator.phenotype( population, environments=environments, raw_array=True ) return phenotype[..., 0] return phenotype_index_f
[docs] def visual_selection(simulator, noise_factor: int = 1, seed: int = None) -> Callable: """Function to select based on visual selection. Practically, this is similar to phenotyping but with more noise. :param simulator: chromax simulator instance to use for phenotyping simulation. :type simulator: chromax.Simulator :param noise_factor: variance ratio between the phenotype and artificial noise added to simulate visual selection inaccuracy. :type noise_factor: int :param seed: random seed for reproducibility. :type seed: int :return: the visual selection index function. :rtype: Callable[[Population["n"]], Float[Array, "n"]] """ generator = np.random.default_rng(seed) def visual_selection_f(population: Population["n"]) -> Float[Array, "n"]: phenotype = simulator.phenotype(population, raw_array=True)[..., 0] noise_var = (simulator.GxE_model.var + simulator.GxE_model.var) * noise_factor noise = generator.normal(scale=np.sqrt(noise_var), size=phenotype.shape) return phenotype + noise return visual_selection_f
[docs] def conventional_index(GEBV_model: TraitModel): """Function to select based on Genomic Estimated Breeding Value (GEBV). :param GEBV_model: GEBV model to estimate the genomic breeding value. It must return a single value for an individual, i.e. estimate a single trait. :type GEBV_model: chromax.TraitModel :return: the conventional genomic selection index function. :rtype: Callable[[Population["n"]], Float[Array, "n"]] """ def conventional_index_f(pop: Population["n"]) -> Float[Array, "n"]: gebv = GEBV_model(pop) assert gebv.shape[-1] == 1 return gebv[..., 0] return conventional_index_f
def _poor_conventional_indices(GEBV_model, pop, F): n_poors = int(len(pop) * F) GEBVs = conventional_index(GEBV_model)(pop) sorted_indices = np.argsort(GEBVs) poor_indices = sorted_indices[:n_poors] return poor_indices def optimal_haploid_value(GEBV_model, F=0, B=None, chr_lens=None): """Method implementing Optimal Haploid Value (OHV) index function.""" def optimal_haploid_value_f(pop): OHP = optimal_haploid_pop(GEBV_model, pop, B, chr_lens) OHV = 2 * GEBV_model(OHP[..., None]).squeeze() OHV = np.array(OHV) if F > 0: remove_indices = _poor_conventional_indices(GEBV_model, pop, F) OHV[remove_indices] = -float("inf") return OHV return optimal_haploid_value_f def optimal_haploid_pop(GEBV_model, population, B=None, chr_lens=None): """Function returning the optimal haploid of a population.""" if B is None: return _optimal_haploid_pop(GEBV_model, population) else: assert chr_lens is not None, "chr_lens needed with B" return _optimal_haploid_pop_B(GEBV_model, population, B, chr_lens) def _optimal_haploid_pop_B(GEBV_model, population, B, chr_lens): OHP = np.empty((population.shape[0], population.shape[1]), dtype="bool") start_idx = 0 for chr_length in chr_lens: block_length = ceil(chr_length / B) end_chr = start_idx + chr_length for _ in range(B): end_block = min(start_idx + block_length, end_chr) pop_slice = population[:, start_idx:end_block] effect_slice = GEBV_model.marker_effects[start_idx:end_block] block_gebv = np.einsum("nml,me->nl", pop_slice, effect_slice) best_blocks = np.argmax(block_gebv, axis=-1) OHP[:, start_idx:end_block] = np.take_along_axis( pop_slice, best_blocks[:, None, None], axis=2 ).squeeze(axis=-1) start_idx = end_block assert start_idx == end_chr return OHP def _optimal_haploid_pop(GEBV_model, population): optimal_haploid_pop = np.empty( (population.shape[0], population.shape[1]), dtype="bool" ) positive_mask = GEBV_model.positive_mask.squeeze() optimal_haploid_pop[:, positive_mask] = np.any( population[:, positive_mask], axis=-1 ) optimal_haploid_pop[:, ~positive_mask] = np.all( population[:, ~positive_mask], axis=-1 ) return optimal_haploid_pop def optimal_population_value(GEBV_model, n, F=0, B=None, chr_lens=None): """Method implementing Optimal Population Value (OPV) index function.""" def optimal_population_value_f(population): indices = np.arange(len(population)) remove_indices = _poor_conventional_indices(GEBV_model, population, F) indices = np.delete(indices, remove_indices) output = np.zeros(len(population), dtype="bool") positive_mask = GEBV_model.marker_effects[:, 0] > 0 current_set = ~positive_mask G = optimal_haploid_pop(GEBV_model, population[indices], B, chr_lens) for _ in range(n): dummy_pop = np.broadcast_to(current_set[None, :], G.shape) dummy_pop = np.stack((G, dummy_pop), axis=2) G = optimal_haploid_pop(GEBV_model, dummy_pop, B, chr_lens) best_ind = np.argmax(GEBV_model(G[:, :, None])) output[indices[best_ind]] = True current_set = G[best_ind] indices = np.delete(indices, best_ind) G = optimal_haploid_pop(GEBV_model, population[indices], B, chr_lens) assert np.count_nonzero(output) == n return output # not OPV but a mask return optimal_population_value_f